This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Thursday – Prayers of Thanksgiving
The Apostle Paul instructs the church at Thessalonica, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (5:18).
Giving thanks is different from praising God for who He is (that’s adoration), it is thanking Him for every blessing He has bestowed upon us. However, it should be noted Thanksgiving is still a powerful form of worship! The Psalmist writes, “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” (95:2)
Tonight, take a moment to thank God for all that He has done. Of course, thank Him for salvation through Christ, but also other miracles you have seen unfold by His hand. Thank Him for your church, your friends, your family, we often forget how much we have to be thankful for!
Maybe it will help to just grab a scrap of paper and write out all the things you’re thankful for tonight, and then pray over the list, or perhaps you may find as you read through the list, that you have so much more to be thankful for as one thankful thought leads to another.
If you find yourself struggling to pray, just begin listing all the things we so often take for granted: air in our lungs, food to eat, clothes on our back, even the ability to pray to a holy God!