Upcoming events.
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Men of Faith
Men of Faith are going to walk through the book “Stand Firm” by John MacArthur on Saturdays this fall!!!
Pastor Q&A
The last Wednesday of the month we invite the church family and guests to come and pick the pastor’s brain (not his nose!). So if you’re having questions about a certain Scripture, a church policy or doctrine, or maybe just something you’ve wanted to ask someone concerning theology and haven’t had the chance, this is the perfect time to do it!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Women of Faith
Our ladies join together for a little brunch and a lot of Bible! Join them on the third Saturday of every month!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Men of Faith
Men of Faith are going to walk through the book “Stand Firm” by John MacArthur on Saturdays this fall!!!
Pastor Q&A
The last Wednesday of the month we invite the church family and guests to come and pick the pastor’s brain (not his nose!). So if you’re having questions about a certain Scripture, a church policy or doctrine, or maybe just something you’ve wanted to ask someone concerning theology and haven’t had the chance, this is the perfect time to do it!
Women of Faith
Our ladies join together for a little brunch and a lot of Bible! Join them on the third Saturday of every month!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Week of Prayer
This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Friday – Prayers of Intercession
When Israel was in sin, the Lord spoke to the prophet Ezekiel, saying “I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none” (Ezekiel 22:30).
Tonight is a time of standing in the breach before the Lord – to appeal to Him on behalf of the land, the government, the church, those in our lives who are sick or hurting, the list goes on.
Jesus, Himself, is the great Intercessor for our souls (Hebrews 7:25), and intercedes for those who follow Him in His “High Priestly Prayer” of John 17, saying, “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (v. 20-21).
Tonight, we will have the white board available at the front of the sanctuary, and when you feel lead, you are encouraged to write any and all needs you’d like others to pray with you over.
If you find yourself struggling to pray, begin to think of needs you know of in our church, then the community, the nation, and the world. Of course, the greatest need we can pray for is that others will come to know Jesus Christ, as their Savior!
Week of Prayer
This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Thursday – Prayers of Thanksgiving
The Apostle Paul instructs the church at Thessalonica, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (5:18).
Giving thanks is different from praising God for who He is (that’s adoration), it is thanking Him for every blessing He has bestowed upon us. However, it should be noted Thanksgiving is still a powerful form of worship! The Psalmist writes, “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” (95:2)
Tonight, take a moment to thank God for all that He has done. Of course, thank Him for salvation through Christ, but also other miracles you have seen unfold by His hand. Thank Him for your church, your friends, your family, we often forget how much we have to be thankful for!
Maybe it will help to just grab a scrap of paper and write out all the things you’re thankful for tonight, and then pray over the list, or perhaps you may find as you read through the list, that you have so much more to be thankful for as one thankful thought leads to another.
If you find yourself struggling to pray, just begin listing all the things we so often take for granted: air in our lungs, food to eat, clothes on our back, even the ability to pray to a holy God!
Week of Prayer
This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Wednesday – Prayers of Petition
As Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” and “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (Matt. 6:11, 13) so we also pray tonight, bringing our needs before the Lord.
Perhaps your need is financial, perhaps it is a need for peace of mind, peace of soul, peace of heart. Perhaps it is a physical need, such as healing or simply assurance of the promises of God. Petition is an important part of our prayers, even though God may already know what we need before we pray it (Matt. 6:8), we are nonetheless instructed to pray and “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Psalm 55:22 reminds us, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
Tonight, cast your cares upon Him, pray for His healing hands to touch, His healing word to speak, and His holy heart to cleanse all areas our lives. Petition is different from intercession, as petition is personal, and intercession is a prayer on behalf of another.
If you find yourself struggling to pray, simply ask the Lord to minister to areas of your life you may not even be aware of need. Often, we find God is active behind the scenes before we even may realize our desperate need for His intervention.
Week of Prayer
This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Tuesday - Prayers of Confession
As Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors,” tonight we also pray to a forgiving God, confessing our sins to Him.
Confession is a vital part of prayer, as we pour out the heaviness of our own sin before the Lord, but merely acknowledging the sin is not true confession. True confession is accompanied by repentance – acknowledging our sin has wounded the one whom our soul loves.
1 John 1:9-10, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”
Tonight, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to search us and expose our sins – if to no one else, to ourselves, that we may confess them and repent of them, turning our face toward God and away from our rebellious autonomy.
If you’re struggling to pray in confession, take a moment to pause and think of those you may have hurt, offended, those periods of anger, or lust, or greed, or envy, and just begin to pour them out before the Lord. Ask the Spirit to aid you in this, that you may feel the weight of your sin lifted before the throne of God.
Week of Prayer
This week we join together in prayer, each day having its own theme and focus.
Monday - Prayers of Adoration
As Jesus instructed the disciples to pray, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy
name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done” so we also will pray to the thrice holy God,
worshipping and adoring all He is.
He is God the Father, the most glorious God, King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the most
magnificent power in all the universe, and yet He is also the suffering Servant of Isaiah, the true
and faithful martyr, Jesus the Son. He is also the indwelling Holy Spirit who convicts, leads,
and draws us to Himself.
Let our prayers tonight just moments of worshipful adoration of the Lord.
How is this different from prayers of thanksgiving? Thanksgiving prayers (while still worship!)
speak of what God has done, adoration is prayer that honors who God is. Tonight we simply
express reverence, love, and worship as we acknowledge all that He is.
If you’re struggling to pray in adoration, just take a moment to sing with the music, or feel free
to do so at any time.
Church Offices Closed
Pastor Jeff will be on vacation and so we are closing down the church offices. If you have an immediate issue, please contact a board member or leave a voicemail at the church.
Offices Closed
Offices will be closed this week due to Thanksgiving. Have a blessed week!
Lisbon Community Thanksgiving Worship Service & Pie Baking Contest
This year we will be participating in the Lisbon Community Thanksgiving Worship Service!
It will be hosted by Lisbon's First Presbyterian church, with a pie baking contest and fellowship to follow. If you're interested in entering your best pie recipe, you'll want to register on the 20th at 6:30 pm at the church (not to mention you'll want to find a good seat!). The winner with the best overall pie (as determined by our panel of judges, made up of local pastors) will receive a $250 Amazon Gift Card!
For more details, talk to your pastor!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Offices Closed
Offices will be closed this week due to Veteran’s Day and Ministers Enrichment.
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
Trunk or Treat!
This will be our 6th year gathering together on Reformation Day to pass out candy (and tracts!) to kids and families in our area. We’ll gather on Main Street prepared to bless those who pass through with candy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Pastor Q&A
The last Wednesday of the month we invite the church family and guests to come and pick the pastor’s brain (not his nose!). So if you’re having questions about a certain Scripture, a church policy or doctrine, or maybe just something you’ve wanted to ask someone concerning theology and haven’t had the chance, this is the perfect time to do it!
Men of Faith
Men of Faith are going to walk through the book “Stand Firm” by John MacArthur on Saturdays this fall!!!
Family Night
Join us as we offer Bible study for adults, youth, and kids! Our adults are going through our Disciple Makers class, youth will have Students of Faith, and our younger kids enjoy Adventure Club!
New Series Begins!
Join us at Faith for worship and the word! Today we will be launching into the book of Philippians!
Women of Faith
Our ladies join together for a little brunch and a lot of Bible! Join them on the third Saturday of every month!